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Colour Charts

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Winsor and Newton Galeria

  1. Lemon Yellow
  2. Cad Yellow Pale
  3. Cad Yellow Medium
  4. Cad Yellow Deep
  5. Cad Orange
  6. Vermilion
  7. Cad red
  8. Crimson
  9. Perm Rose
  10. Perm Magenta
  11. Winsor Violet
  12. Ultramarine
  13. Cobalt Blue
  14. Winsor Blue
  15. Cerulean Blue
  16. Sap Green
  17. Perm Green Middle
  18. Perm Green Deep
  19. Pthalo Green
  20. Naples Yellow
  21. Yellow Ochre
  22. Raw Sienna
  23. Burnt Sienna
  24. Indian Red
  25. Burnt Umber
  26. Raw Umber
  27. Payne’s Grey
  28. Ivory Black
  29. Titanium White
  30. Gold
  31. Silver
  32. Metallic Red
  33. Metallic Blue
  34. Metallic Green
  35. Process Yellow
  36. Process Magenta
  37. Process Cyan